The season of lent leading to easter points us back to the reality of our sin and our

desperate need for a Savior. Christians have participated in this season not as a means of

meaningless self-denial or pious ritual keeping, but as a means of emptying ourselves of distracting

comforts so that we can be filled with renewed faith and hope. During this season, we focus on the

multifaceted aspects of repentance: recognition of our sin, hope in a Savior, and obedience as a

response to his grace. Rather than engage in empty ceremony or purely internal spiritual growth, we

learn that observance of this season produces in us a richer faith for the sake of the world.

  • part 1

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  • part 2

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  • part 3

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  • part 4

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  • part 5

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  • part 6

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